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It’s my great honor for me to be selected as the full-attendance student in Spiiker. I feel that my English greatly progress by learning with Spiiker in three months. Although ,I can ‘t express myself fluently, but I dare to speak with my firends and colleagues. I will go on studying English . I appreciate my tutor Kathrine and study manager Jessie. Without their great efforts of helping me, I can’t get such great improvement. Thank you for giving me some good ideas that are good for me. You are very kind and very patient.

Study Manager点评

Ethan得到本月的全勤奖真的是实至名归。虽然在spiiker的学习只有短短三个月的时间,但是60节课没有一节请假旷课,出勤率是100%,这对于一个每天工作都非常繁忙的上班族来说是非常难得的。虽然有的时候没有很多的时间去准备,但是他还是很享受每天的老师的20分钟英语交谈,把握住每次的上课时间去多说多练。功夫不负有心人,Ethan从最初的自我介绍都难以完成到现在能比较流利地讨论话题,这都是一天天累积而成的效果。即使现在他在表达时还需要思考,需要增加词汇量以及更多的练习,但是我相信他一定会成功的,Perseverance leads to success. 坚持就是胜利!


Ethan is one of the best students in my class. He works very hard almost in every class,putting most of his time into English study. He always shows his great talents or passion in the class. He has made a big progress in English study. I think Ethan deserves to get the Full Attendance Award.