
返回列表 必克英语怎么样_学员Nicole与您分享:

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I am so glorious to be chosen as the greatest progress student in spiiker. Firstly, I should show my full appreciate to Jessie and Franny. They give me so much patience and advice about my English study. I will give them a good return, that’s study harderJ. I know that learning English is a long accumulated process; I should contribute all my passion for it to achieve my goal. I wish I will have the chance to study or work in a foreign company or country to experience and share more.

Study Manager点评

不知不觉,Nicole在spiiker的学习已经有5个多月的时间了,一路走来,我看到了她的勤奋和坚持。刚开始上课的时候,听力和表达都不太好,对自己的信心也不足,但是她还是坚持学习,对我给她的意见总是非常认真地去听去实践,虽然平时的工作真的非常忙,但是每天都会花时间去认真准备话题,而且上课的时候积极地参与。自从“我爱背单词”推出以后,她充分利用这个功能去提高自己的词汇量,现在背单词的词汇量已经累积到4000多个,一直到现在还是在排名榜上占据第一的位置,Good job! 付出总是与收获成正比的,现在的Nicole已经能比较准确和流利地表达自己了。Keep practising!


I choose her because she hasn't changed her good attitude towards studying English. She has stayed humble in class. She can comprehend questions and topics with ease. Our class is often interesting because she always tries her best during our discussion.
She always prepares for our daily topics and exercises from the textbook. I believe she has improved her vocabulary and grammar this month.
Please continue to study hard.