
返回列表 必克英语怎么样_学员Robert与您分享:

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Hello everyone, I’m really thrilled to get the improvement award. I used to have trouble when I wanted to express myself due to my poor vocabulary. So I turned to Spiiker for help. During my learning process, I tried to memorize new words and focus on grammar a lot. I also work hard to practice oral English. Though sometimes tired, I never give up. I believe that someday I can be one of the best students in Spiiker. My English skills have now improved a lot and I have strong faith in myself again. Here I share my experience in hoping my fellow students can make great improvement as well. Last but not least, I want to appreciate my teachers and my study manager, they’ve helped me much with my English. No pains, no gains. That’s all, thank you!

Study Manager点评

Robert是初一的学生,在学校是英语科代表,虽然年纪不大,但是对英语的语感非常好,对自己的要求也比较高。平时因为学校的功课比较忙,也有一些课外的英语活动和比赛,所以在spiiker花的时间并不是很多,但每次的预习都会很充分,上课的时候总是很积极主动,非常注意自己各个方面的提高,对于老师给出的意见和建议会非常认真地去执行,而且会看改进之后的效果是否达到自己的预期,确实是非常用心。从开始在spiiker学习到现在,Robert的表达已经越来越自如,这和他本身的努力密不可分。Robert的自信是我一直很欣赏的,学习英语需要对自己有充分的自信,相信自己能够通过不断的努力达到既定的目标。Never give up!


Robert can speak the English Language well enough, especially when asked by the teacher about his opinion from the book. He can think of appropriate words when explaining. He knows some specific vocabulary in the lesson.

Robert is a very good listener especially during discussion. He listens well to corrections and he always pays attention to the questions being asked by the teacher.

Robert can communicate well in English. He is able to speak and listen well. He can express his opinions and ideas in English.

Robert is very responsive to grammar corrections. He has minor mistakes when composing his own sentences. He reviews and checks the corrections being made by the teacher.

Robert pronunciation is also improving. He gives effort on how to know the correct pronunciation of words, by repeating it after the teacher had asked him to. He is very responsive to corrections.

You have been very spontaneous in our everyday class. Your effort and eagerness to improve your English skills is very evident in you such as being prepared all the time, asking the right vocabulary, asking which statement is the best, and many more. You are a very diligent student. Congratulations for the great improvement you have shown so far. Keep up the good job!