
返回列表 必克英语怎么样_学员Elena与您分享:

Lv 7
Interchange 2


I am so glad to learn the exciting news that I am selected as the most hard-working student of this month. I am a freshman majoring in English Translation and Interpretation. It is my dream to become a successful interpreter in the future. I used to be ashamed of my poor oral English. In order to realize my dream, I felt it was necessary to find a way to improve my oral English. And then I met Spiiker. It was because of the requirement of my major and my ambition for success that I chose her. Thanks to Spiiker, I am able to chat with a foreigner on the phone every night from Monday to Friday. Therefore, I have developed a good habit of practising writing and speaking in English every day. Now, after joining Spiiker for more than three months, I have made obvious progress in both speaking skills and listening skills. During the last three months, I corrected my mistakes and improved my methods of learning English according to the advice from my tutor and my study manager. My methods of learning English are not special. On the contrary, they are very common. First, get fully prepared for the daily topics. Every day, I write a small passage involving the daily topics and send it to my study manager for corrections. If the topic is closely related to a current event, I even do some research on the Internet to learn about some professional and native expressions. Through such process, you are not only practicing writing, but also allowing yourself to catch up with the trends. Second, recite what I have written before discussing with your tutor. I consider reciting as an indispensable process of input before output. Third, be brave to express myself and show out what I have prepared. Do not be afraid or ashamed of making mistakes. Mistakes are the steps on every road to success. It is never easy to master a foreign language. The most important thing is to persevere. I believe that a man with perseverance will definitely overcome all obstacles. So just KEEP ON PRACITSING!

Study Manager点评

学员Elena,基础比较好的学员,感觉自己在英语口语方面有所欠缺,报读了SPIIKER英语的口语课程。虽然是英语专业的学生,但是她能脚踏实地,认真准备,刻苦练习,大胆讲出来,很值得的大家学习和效仿!通过分析她的录音和给我写的邮件,我发现:在这段时间的英语学习中声音由原来的中式英语变成了流利的美音;从一开始,是Cham老师说话的时间占去一节课绝大部分时间,到现在由她能自己来掌握和Lani的整堂课;自信地表达出自己内心的想法,而且开门见山,条理清晰,发音逐步改善。我作为她的学习管理师,了解了她的每一堂课和回听了她的录音。我很赞赏她刻苦地作风和努力的学习风格,正如她的获奖感言,认真的准备,耐心的记忆,大胆的交流才能取得最大的进步!这点希望所有在Spiiker学习的朋友们,都能借鉴,不管学习的过程多么的漫长,一定要在一开始就培养自己认真对待、大胆表达的学习习惯! 借此机会,我希望学员们能够像Elena一样刻苦学习并且祝愿大家都能在SPIIKER实现自己的梦想,说一口流利的英语!


She's good in the class. She's always trying to participate well. She never fails me to recieve good news every time we talk. Because I have seen many improvements of her. First thing is, she don't know how to be expressive before but now I can see the how did she improve that. She was also able to know how to make a good expressions in the class, by previewing our lessons and tried to learn more vocabularies everyday. I can see the hard work and eagerness of the student every class that were having. I think she somehow improved and were both enjoying the things that we accomplished in the previews class until now. Goos job for Elena!