
返回列表 必克英语怎么样_学员Liying与您分享:

Lv 8
Interchange 3


Hello everyone. At the very beginning I feel so honored to get the improvement prize. There are something I want to share with my friends about learning English. There’s no doubt that passion is extremely important in learning English. As a matter of fact it’s the premise of learning English well. I’m an active learn everyday I have tons of things to share with my teacher in my daily life. When we have the pulse to say something, to share something, to deliver some interesting message, it will be very natural to get the improvement during the process. So what I want to say is enjoy the process then you will get what you want. To summarize, thanks for having teacher Jayson, he’s always been very interesting and humorous. And thanks my patient assistant Jessie. Without their genuine help, I can’t make the progress. The last not the least having faith in yourself. Then you can see what you want.

Study Manager点评

Liying虽然不是英语专业的学生,但是对英语学习有着很高的热情,当你全身心地投入到你感兴趣的事情当中的时候,会得到意想不到的回报。只有把英语学习当成一种享受而不是一项任务,你才会发现其中的乐趣。Liying在句子的组织及词汇量上都有了长足的进步,对于指出的发音问题也认真地去听去模仿来进行纠正,之前对于较长的句子的发音较含混的问题在这个月终于有了明显的改观,被评为了最大进步的学员。Practice makes perfect! 加油!


We’ve always been on rough surface in our first days in dealing with the endeavors our environment’s giving us and learning English has never been a “piece of cake” reaching it’s top and I’m 100% sure Liying knows that. We have been through many kinds of situations and moods in every class everyday but everything’s gone well in the midst of this circumstances. I want you to know that I am very glad for the great progress and an improvement she’s shown and that means she’s getting better and there's a great possibility she may reach her goal to be good English Speaker.