
返回列表 必克英语怎么样_学员Leo与您分享:

Lv 7
Interchange 3


I am very glad I was awarded the best students this month .First,I want to thank my teacher--teacher Ray,and my Phonetic Teacher-teacher Hayden and my assistant Candy and Nancy.Thank them for one month give me help.Without their help, I wouldn't have made the result today.Although my performance is not the best,but I will try my best to improve my English ability in the future.
Before I know Spiiker,I really don't know how to learn English,especially oral English study.
I was only mechanical memorizing words.So my English level has been unable to improve.But when I became a member of spiiker family, I has rediscovered the confidence of learning English again.Everyday teacher will help me to point out my mistakes in class,so I can better find some I neglected problems.During the conversations between my teacher and I, my listening comprehension and pronunciation also get the exercise.The assistant teacher also often call me help me solve my learning difficulties.This makes me feel like I'm not alone in battle. My teachers and teaching assistants have very responsible.They very patient help me.when I have someting in trouble about my learning,They are the first to help me solve my problem. With their help, my English has improved a lot.

To practice oral English speaking, a good English environment is very important,Spiiker can give you provide such an environment, let you get a chance every day communication to a foreign teacher one-to-one. Let your learning more efficient。I believe that I will let my oral English is getting better and better in a short time with the spiiker help。


Study Manager点评

No pains no gains!一分耕耘一分收获,学习英语也是一样,没有投机取巧,只有付出了努力才能取得收获,现在Leo在spiker学习还没到两个月时间,但是他的进步是非常明显的,刚开始跟中教老师上课,两周之后转为外教老师,这是非常大的一个突破,这些都离不开Leo的努力,现在看到他满怀信心,充满激情地学习英语,我们感到非常欣慰,希望Leo继续努力,争取更大的进步。


Leo is a good and optimistic student. He is very receptive in the interaction during the class. His speaking skill is great and he can even speak the language in a very superb way.His persuasions to learn will give him a good future towards with his study. Keep up the good work and continue what you've started.