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Lv 7
Interchange 1


我很榮幸自己被評為最刻苦努力奖, 我很感謝Hayden老師, 是他的教導和努力讓我能堅持學習英語. 特別在我最困難的時候是他的耐心和鼓勵讓我度過難關.

我一直有一個夢想就是有一天能大膽的說一口流利的英語. 加入Spiiker之后, 我知道自己已經向這個夢想靠近. 我很感謝Spiiker提供給我們學習者這麼好的平臺, 更要感謝Hayden老師和Elvi、Candy的努力.

在Spiiker學習過程中, Hayden老師很注重我的單詞發音、閱讀理解和日常對話. “You will try to do some more oral expressions in our discussing part that it will be better for your speaking” 這是Hayden老師每天對我重複說的話. 我不會辜負Hayden老師的用心良苦.

我會把感謝化成實際行動來回報老師, 永遠不放棄學習英語. 也希望有英語夢想的學習者快來加入Spiiker吧, 你們的選擇是正確的.

在新年到來之際, 我祝福Spiiker所有的人永遠健康、快樂、幸福! 也祝願Spiiker越辦越好.

Study Manager点评



Congratulations! Your hard work in English study is awarded finally that no matter how busy and hard for you, you still always kept your study over the past month that i'm totally touched by your passion and pesistance in English.Through the study of last month, your comprehension of listening and reading is improved obviously that you have no problem in understanding what we discussed in the class and did a good job in reading part by using some short words to finish the summary in each paragraph.You are able to share some more ideas that you want to express in English with me which always can surprises me in our class. You are one of the best students that i'm always proud of.Good job!